Nakano15 Mods Wiki

This mod adds companions you can find and recruit to join you on your adventures, or simply live in your world. Those companions have their own appearances and personalities, and you can give them player equipments for them to use. They will only have some knowledge about how to use certain items, if they are vanilla Terraria items.

The mod emphasizes on the addition of companions known as TerraGuardians to the game, but It also contains some Terrarian companions at your disposition.

The mod used to have a TerraGuardians Popularity Contest happening monthly, but It was cancelled and will need to pass through reformulation before It returns.


Changelogs 1.4[]

Raccoon Trivia[]

Have you ever seen that game, Troll and I? Well, I only watched gameplays of It, but that mod gave me the initiative to create this mod. The TerraGuardians were intended to be giant creatures compared to the player, but Rococo didn't really reached that far in height. I didn't actually wanted to make the characters be bigger, so I left them like that. Also, even though I only made Rococo as companion initally, I made the window of selecting companion be big and scrollable, so It supports a lot more companions on that list. I did that well in the end, I say.

The TerraGuardians were intended to have their own equipments and weapons, so they would be different from the player in play style. You can already wonder how much of a pain that would be, right? So I decided instead to make them be able to use player equipments and weapons too, and add scripts to make them function somewhat like they would to the player. They look a lot better on gameplay now due to that.

Part of their equipments are still in the game, and even acquireable, just need to check the spritework to recognize them.
